Friday, May 20, 2011

Diamond in the Rough.......Surviving The Strong Willed Child

Several months ago, actually Christmas time, George and I happened on to a great Radio Station.  One we both tune into when we drive to and from work.  And especially on our travels to and from the cottage.

Just when you think you cannot be touched so happens.  Something you hear, like today, that makes you think back.  Back many years to those child raising years.  Amazed at myself sometimes at how much it affects me.

I think everyone has or knows a strong willed child.    And oh how I wish I could have had a Radio Station like the one I listen to now.   One looks in many directions for  answers to be the best parent, to give the right advice and guidance.   The story I journal about today really touched me.  It is with His love and guiding grace a parent makes it through those trying moments.  You just simply do your best........and hope your prayers are answered.

Focus on the Family ~ Cynthia Tobias
She was talking about the Strong Willed Child.  They are not in our lives to frustrate us and push us over the edge, however it seems like it!  Strong willed children are aggressive learners. She talked about strategies for bringing out the best in them. She offered hope, achievable goals and a breath of fresh air to families.  A Diamond in the Rough so to say...... one who needs polishing.
She went on with many more ideas. She talked of seminars she has given. But one has stuck out in her mind, that she shared.  After a seminar in Ohio, a women approached her with her own life experience.  The women had talked about her strong willed son, whom for months on end she would  prod,  beg,  scold, bargain, and even ground to get him to clean his room.   An answer for everything!  The more she tried, the more angrier she got.  So one day, out of anger she went to his room and started picking it up herself.  To work the anger out.  And as she was doing this, she would pray with every item she picked up, praying that her son would someday do it on his own-without argument.  This went on for  months, she would ask him to pick up after himself, never arguing with him.  Pick up and pray, pick up and pray.  Their relationship got better.  He started to pick up his messy room with no encouragement.  Just when her son was starting to come around,  and six months later,  she lost him in a car accident - he was sixteen.  That did it for me....  This Mom was so thankful to have her prayers answered.  What the power of those prayers did for their relationship.

I don't know why I needed to journal today.  Perhaps it's the grown-up strong willed child in me.  What goes around ~ comes around, Cynthia says.  That God gives you a strong willed child as a compliment, not a payback.  A "Diamond in the Rough", just waiting to be polished.

I am amazed at how many times I will jot things down as I am driving home or to work.  Later to get on the Internet and read more about the subject I just heard.    

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