Saturday, July 10, 2010

Thirty-Five Years Ago

Wedding Bells are Ringing!!!!
There was a Boy......................

There was a Girl...........................
My sisters, Sue and Chris

Gar Nelson, Mary Heinrich, Tom Hall, Karen Hoppe, Todd Tetzlaff, Sue ,
Chris Dolphin, Bob Tetzlaff

Sue and Todd

Our Grand Parents

My God Parents - Marge and Loren LaPorte

George's Family

My Family

The Cake

Thirty-Five Years Ago!!!
Another wonderful chapter in our life.....

Hunt Reunions

Cousin Lori found these photos at her Mom and Dad's House...oh sure we have better photos around somewhere but I just could not help but snatch them for my blog. See if you can remember what the year was and better yet who's who!!!

Now here are a few hints..... The gal in the middle.....she used to tease her hair a mile high, and wear bright colored finger nail polish!! She had a neighbor boy named Eddie who was sweet on her! Can you guess now who she is!!!!! Come on, take a guess.
Check this crown out....And who is that swinging the golf club?!?!

Hmm who's in the striped shorts?!? You gotta love those....Is that Harv paired with Rene?
Beach Ball Volley Ball sure was fun! The Hunt reunion was always celebrated close to Grandma and Grandpa's wedding anniversary. Each year a family was in charge of the games and arrangements. Most often the event was held at a park in Weston.

Gosh who are the little ones in the front?

Stu nice legs...and I love your socks!! Was that the fad back----way back then?!?!

Yep, there was always time for relaxation and good conversation...isn't that right Peggy Aggy!!!
Wonder what Uncle Lornie and Frank are talking about?
Saved the best for last, MOM, I'm checking out her golf stroke!!
Who are the kids on the side line? I need help here. I look forward to your answers!!!!!
It has been awhile since we cousins have gotten together. We must think about doing this real soon.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Lauren's Baptism

June 26th, 2010

The God Parents
Tami and Brett

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Dress

There once was a dress worn by Elaine Johanna Hunt on her wedding day - October 21st, 1950
Little did she know that almost 60 years latter, her dress would be fashioned into a Baptismal Gown for her Great Granddaughter - Lauren Kathryn Tetzlaff.

Lauren was born January 12th, 2010 and is my first grand daughter. I wanted so much to make her a Baptismal gown.

Her dress - the front and back of her dress, was Mom's front and back, her collar, Mom's collar, her sleeves, Mom's sleeves. I made her a bracelet from a pearl necklace of Mom's. Tiny slippers and a flower head band too.

What a beautiful precious girl she is. Here is a picture of Lauren with her Mom - Allison.

Special Holiday- July 2010

4TH of JULY 2010
How Blessed are we to have such a wonderful weekend!

Boat rides-Smores-Pepperoni Rolls-Parade-Nice Weather....

Papa and Jack get the Boat ready.

Fun in the Sun...Master of the Ride.....a little R N R

A little Soccer for Eli and Jack

Jackson patiently waiting for the next Float...or was he waiting for the next piece of candy !!!

It was unanimous-This car was the best in the Parade!!

And we ended today with....singing in the RAIN

Special weekends come and go too fast. How lucky we are to have Family and Friends to celebrate them with.