There once was a dress worn by Elaine Johanna Hunt on her wedding day - October 21st, 1950
Little did she know that almost 60 years latter, her dress would be fashioned into a Baptismal Gown for her Great Granddaughter - Lauren Kathryn Tetzlaff.
Lauren was born January 12th, 2010 and is my first grand daughter. I wanted so much to make her a Baptismal gown.
Her dress - the front and back of her dress, was Mom's front and back, her collar, Mom's collar, her sleeves, Mom's sleeves. I made her a bracelet from a pearl necklace of Mom's. Tiny slippers and a flower head band too.
What a beautiful precious girl she is. Here is a picture of Lauren with her Mom - Allison.

She was just beautiful! Thank you Jackie