But hopefully I can give some verbal vision of the time of my life with Jackson.
We have gotten into a routine. When he wakes up in the morning we sing a song
about "Goodmorning, Goodmorning Jack". He follows me down the stairs to the
kitchen where I make breakfast and he plays with my baskets, putting the tea and sugar bags
from one basket to another. This morning it is blueberry pancakes, sausage and banana slices.And while I am doing the dishes, I give Jackson the poker chips to play with.
He is quite the poker player.......
see how he hides the poker chips
down in the high chair!!!!!!!
And check out that POKER FACE!
"I know nothing........"!!!!
After his late morning nap we ate some lunch. It was leftover spaghetti. Oh what fun to get the hands all dirty. The pickles and strawberry jello wasn't so bad either. When our plates are clean, it's a quick run over to the stool by the sink. He loves to wash his hands all by himself.
And then it is a gummi bear treat, but only one!!
Today we went out side. Since we did not see any deer we took the little green pail and collected pine cones, sticks and pine needles. We took a break, sitting on the steps. We made up a song about the wind in the trees. You see the trees were talking to us!!
Then a walk down to the dock. We did not see any fish swimming around, so we sat on the dock and sang "Row, Row, Row, your Boat"
Back into the house for some fun on the Rocking horse. Boy I wish I had time to take pictures, but the fun keeps happening too fast. And I don't want to miss a minute of it. Jackson can get on the horse all by himself now. I sing him a song about the Lone Ranger and Silver. He jibber jabbers likes he is singing too. When it comes to the part about HI-Ho silver, he puts his hand in the air with his little finger pointing up and he tries to twirl his hand. A forever treasured sight in my mind!
We move to the fort, laying our heads on a pillow holding a flashlight and making the light twinkle on the roof. We sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".
But then it was time to empty the Pamper Box of all the plastic cups he took out of my cupboards. Hmmm empty box-RACE CAR!!!! I put him in the box and race we did all around the living room. Giggle giggle giggle. What fun we had.
But Ohhhh was it cold. See his fists he makes when it feels too cold!!
So pooped out Jack told ME it was time for nigh-night.
We both climb up the stairs. Course he wants to brush his teeth first. He climbs up on the stool and has to turn on the light all by himself . And then when he is all done, he shuts the light off...all by himself!!
Here are some pictures we took last night.
that chair is Perfecto!! This post brought a tear to my eye...Thank you for sharing your good times with Jackson, life long memories in your mind for sure + now pictures and stories to go with for us!!