One quickly remembers
how a little one wants your attention 24/7!!!
how a little one wants your attention 24/7!!!
Sunday was a long day for all of us. Jackson and Lauren faired very well.
Our first stop was at a gas station in Stanley.
We had a picnic snack of string cheese, dill pickle chips and juice.
We won't talk about the next stop......let's just say we one upped Grandma Kathy!!
On to Uncle Brian's for fun in his back yard.
A little Football practice before the big game.
Jackson needs a "Rodgers" jersey!
Lauren ran....and ran.....and ran around Brian's yard!
We finally got a peek of a smile!
Even Lauren got into throwing the football.
One more stop-Great Grandpa Harvey's
No pictures-they were eating, but we did get to see Sue, Gordi, Nicholas, Johanna and Kim.
What a nice surprise.
Off to Antigo, and it was supper at Culver's.
Then off to the Deer Farm to see the white deer and the BIG Buck!
Feed a little deer some corn.

Something spooked the deer-probably Lily's whining to get out of the car!
This was the best shot of the BIG Buck I could get.
Good morning Monday!
A little Finger painting,
and shhh, it's a surprise for Mom and Dad-
we can't show you or it won't be a surprise!
Enjoying the beautiful fall weather.
A mid morning snack of honey crisp apples and carmel-yum!
Guess who's pooped?!! WHAT GREAT DAY!!
After supper, Papa George and Jackson did a little fishing off the dock.
No luck, will try again tomorrow.