Grandparents and grandchildren,
Together they create a chain of love
Linking the past,
With the future.
The chain may lengthen,
But it will never part.
~Author Unknown~

Every day is a Blessing.....
But the past week we had with Jackson and Lauren has been
more than a Blessing.
Each day was a surprise with Jack.
Either it was "The Look"
You know the one, out of the corner of his eyes!!
One night I was in the kitchen, and Jackson and Papa were at the table
eating ice cream, out of the blue it was "Hey Mama.....and then "The Look"
Then it was giggle giggle between the two of them.
Prayers before meals and bed time were precious..."O'men"
"Eyes wide open Mama?" every time we would drive down the road looking for deer.
I could go on and on.......
Friday night, our last night, we went to eat at the Black Forest
Jackson enjoyed some games with Papa
On our way down to Madison~we were serenaded!!
Lauren, a bright eyed, content little girl.
That is until she is in her chair.....
Rock and Roll does not even do justice to what she can do in this chair!!
We had to prop her against the hutch, just so she would not go backwards.
She out-smarted us and started to rock more forward!!!
All week she worked on getting up on this toy basket.
With a little help from Grandma.....her wish came true!!
She watched my every "La La La" and tried to copy it with her own tongue.
The moments she and Jack would share were precious.
The giggles......makes one's heart swell.
Savor the moments that are warm
and special and giggly.
I guess that sums up our week.